Since this past weekend, I had been nursing my son who wasn't feeling well. He was miserable all weekend and I took him into the DR Monday to find he had Strep. That always calls for good times! :) Thank goodness for modern medicine. Those meds kicked in pretty quick to at least relieve some pain and swelling. He is on the fast road to recovery now!
This weeks challenge is to incorporate a large and small element into your project using this adorable image of Bear Cupcake.
For my large element, I used something fun! It really adds for a some uniqueness to your project and especially fun for a child's card or project. It's called Action Wobbles. And you can purchase them right here at Hambo Stamps! Action Wobbles allows for your image to wobble and move for some giggles from your recipient. Here is a close up of what it will look like:
You just attach one end to your image and the other to your project. Super easy! Here it is in "action!"
Hopefully, that didn't make a you a little crossed eyed.. lol! I also made this project a to be a gift box/card to hold some sweet treats. Fun to give to someone who needs a little pick me up.
When you open the box, which is held by some Velcro, it reveals the sentiment and the "card" to pull which will have the sweets. In this case, I placed 4 Fleur de Sels Caramels into a plastic pouch and adhered it to the card.
I finished the card with some matching dp and a small stitching sticker from SRM.
It was fun to make this little box/card as I always enjoy giving treats to the teachers or friends. I will have to create more similar projects to hold other goodies. Thanks so much for stopping in and be sure to check out the other fabulous creations from the Bacon Bits at the Hoedown. Have a great day!