
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Flexible Friends

Hi everyone! I know it has been a few days, but I finally got around to feeling up to creating! I am battling some kind of cold, but really, I think it is allergies... I thought I would start with this card using MFT's Serenity Now set.  

It is such a cute set and perfect for all you Yoga lovers!! : ) I did Yoga once.... LOL!! Notice I said once.... Anyway, my friend, whom I was best friends with through grade school and high school, is a Yoga instructor so this is for her.  She and I lost touch after high school, never knew where either of us were, and thanks to Facebook, we found each other!! We are very excited and she has already come to visit me which was so much fun! 

I stamped the image with Memento Ink in Tuxedo Black and colored it in using Copics.  I cut out the back panel with my Rectangle scalloped Nestibilities.  The dp is Basic Grey's Granola collection and the main card us SU! Confetti Cream cs.  I added ribbon and the 'OM' or 'AUM' (not sure which is correct) symbol for the finishing touch.  The main image panel and the sentiment are popped up for added effect.  

Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek!  


  1. GREAT card! Isn't Facebook awesome for reconnecting?

  2. Hi Deb. I love your card. To sort out your confusion- it is "om". there is no such thing as "aum". lol. I'm a hindu and I didn't know there was a stamp with om on it. My grandma will be so pleased to know it exists! Thanks. Will have to get one!


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