
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Blogaversary Winner!

Hi Everyone!!

So sorry this is posted so late.  It has been a busy morning with T-Ball games and Birthday parties!  Here is the Blogaversary Winner of the Just Rite Stamp set and Carolyn King's Whimsical Autumn set!!

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-05-09 18:58:34 UTC

Lindsay said...

Congrats Jean!

And thank you for another chance to win a great prize!

I hope you all have a great Mother's Day!

LINDSAY! Come on down! Congratulations to you and please email me your addy so I can get out your fun stuff to start enjoying! Thank you everyone for entering all my blog candy for the week and hope all you mother's have a fantastic Mother's Day!  


  1. congrats to the winner!! And thanks to you for givin away these awesome raks

  2. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, DEB!!!! hope you have a wonderful day!!!

  3. Hi Deb!
    I received the wonderful prize in the mail--thank you! I can't wait to play with these goodies.
    Thank you for the chance to win! I hope you have a great week!


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