
Friday, May 8, 2009

A creation, a winner, and my Blogaversary!!

Today is my one year Blogaversary! Whoo hoo!!  I have had so much fun sharing my creations over this past year! Thank you to everyone who supports and stops by my blog! Without you, I would not be able to enjoy my hobby so that I can share!!  Before I continue with yesterdays winner and the candy you can win today, I would like to share the project I mentioned about what you can do with your Prima Flower bottles if you don't want to throw them away! 

This week was Teacher Appreciation and we had something different we were to send to the teachers everyday this week.  One of the days was something sweet and yesterday was some school supplies.  I have seen some glasses recently that had a small window of chalkboard material on the front for writing your name.  I decided I could do the same or something similar as a gift for the teachers. 

I bought a can of Chalkboard spray-paint and cut out a template using my mega nestibilities curvy frame.  I used masking tape to hold the frame in place and cover the glass so not to get paint anywhere else.  I gave it couple of coats and let dry. Once it was dry, I peeled away all the tape and the template.  The paint has a tendency to get underneath the template, but I found that nail polish remover and some Q-tips worked great to remove the excess you did not want.  I filled the candy jar with M&M's and the Prima Bottle with some different pencils I picked up at a school supply store.  On the candy jar, I added some ribbon and tied a stick of chalk to the front while on the Prima jar, I added some ribbon that says 'Thanks' and a felt flower by Petaloo with a crystal brad.  Just really simple! You can do so much with with either project but I have twins, so that meant 4 projects total! I am into simple! LOL!!   I hope you enjoyed these projects! It is a good way to do some recycling!!

OK!! I know you have been waiting to see who won yesterdays Blog candy!! 

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-05-08 12:43:24 UTC

Jean from jlfstudio said...

Wow! Super Candy for each of these days. Thanks for bringing the loot to the party and sharing so generously. 

Sounds like Just-Rite product from the hint but though I searched their site I couldn't find anything relating to Kings. Hmmm....regal monogram of some sort maybe? Or a Cammie King product and Just Right hmmm...can't wait to see.

JEAN! Alter today!! You are the winner!! Please email me your addy so I can get that out to you!  Thank you everyone for playing and hope you play today's final 5 day Blogaversary Candy below- Here it is:

That's rite!! You all had a pretty good guess yesterday of what today's candy was going to be!! hee hee...   You will be getting the Just Rite Monogram Stamper kit (1 5/8") which not only includes the alphabet, but 4 interchangeable borders and design centers.  Also included is my awesome friend Cammie's {miss you girl!} Whimsical Autumn set!   All you have to do to win is leave a comment!! Subscribers get an extra entry so get the word out! If you don't own a Just Rite set or a set by Carolyn King, now is the time to try and get both!! Spread the word!! : )  Good luck to everyone and hope you have a fantastic day! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Deborah - Happy Blogaversary! This has been a fun week - thanks for sharing!

  2. Happy Blogoversary! LOVE your blog and enjoy getting updated in my email.


  3. thanks again for the fun! Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Cute teacher gifts, they will appreciate them! 1 year huh... Man now what am I gonna do that you have made your 1 year so big. hee hee Hugs

  5. Nice peojects. I'm sure the teachers will love them! I for one hope I win the candy. lol
    Thanks for making this week exciting!

  6. Since I'm a subscriber, I get a second chance! Thanks for the chance to win twice!

  7. What an adorable teacher's gift set! I'm sure the teachers will really enjoy them!
    I love the blog candy! I have really wanted to try both of these product lines but with one already in college and another going this fall,my crafting budget is non-existent! Thanks for the chance to win!!!I love you blog,btw! And I enjoy getting email updates.

  8. I guess since I'm a subscriber I can enter a second time. So please pick me!:-)

  9. Congrats Jean!

    And thank you for another chance to win a great prize!

    I hope you all have a great Mother's Day!

  10. I'm also a subscriber, so here's my second chance post! :)


  11. linda patti tpatti@windstream.netMay 8, 2009 at 10:46 AM

    oh wow, love the candy and congrats, i will be subscribing!

  12. Love the candy! I'm a subscriber so count me twice please! Congrats on the blogaversary! I can tell, more fun times to come!

  13. Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  14. Thanks for the chance to win!! Happy Anniversary!! Keep the inspiration coming!

  15. Since I am a subscriber here is my second chance!! Thanks for being so generous!

  16. Happy Blogoversary, nice blog you have here.


  17. Awesome blog candy! Would love to begin "collecting" JustRite stampers and have loved Cammie's autumn set since her Alzheimer's project. Thanks for all your creative ideas and cards!

  18. Happy Blogaversary
    Happy Blogaversary
    Happy Blogaversary
    Happy Blog-a-ver-sa-ry!

    YOU ROCK, my friend!

  19. heres my subscriber second chance :)

  20. Hi Deborah - Happy Blogaversary, and may you have many more!
    I love getting your emails each morning to see what masterpieces you have made - and theses days you blog candy is just the icing on the cake!
    Hugs, Anne P. dinkuminkum at yahoo dot co dot nz

  21. Happy Blogaversary! I'm sure the teacher's are going to love what you made. Thanks so much for another chance to win :)

  22. Hi Deborah,
    Since I am a subscriber to your blog I'm entering for a second time. Happy Blogaversary.
    Hugs, Anne. dinkuminkum at yahoo dot co dot nz

  23. Happy Blogaversary !

    Goodness, this would make a wonderful Mothers Day gift to myself! Since hubby has been out of work for almost 4 months, there isn't any $$ in the budget for scrappy goodies! I'd be delirious if I won!

    Thanks for the chance!

  24. I just popped over here from Cammie's blog & am so glad I did ~ those teacher's gifts are awesome! I'm all about ~ reuse, reduce & recycle ~ Thanks for sharing ~ and for the opportunity to win those yummy goodies! I'm going to check out some of your other projects!

  25. Happy Blogaversary... may you have many more. Thanks for sharing your creations.


  26. Happy Blogaversary! Those teacher gifts are great!

  27. I am excited for a chance to win these amazing sets. Thanks for the chance to win. I love stamping. Jenny

  28. OK, Comment number two for subscribing. i am still excited for a chance to win these stamps. jenny

  29. Happy Blogaversary, and may you have many more to come. Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations. You are so talented. Thanks for the chance to win.

  30. Terrific ideas to recycle. Happy 1 year Blogaversary. Thanks for the shot at the candy. I'd love to try both of them.

  31. I wasn't a subscriber yesterday but I am now! You rock! Thanks for the second chance. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

  32. Happy Blogaversary Deborah! And thank you for the alterables. I was so shocked to see my name listed. Almost missed it because I was too busy thinking about your terrific teacher project with the chalkboard ink. Such a wonderful the question is where in the garage might I have a can of that wonderful stuff!

    My cats respectfully ask you to draw my name once again from the pile of entries so they can skip last minute Mother's day shopping. Dead mice and other cattly mediums of exchange just don't bring in the bucks anymore like in the old days (in their dreams anyway - lol!) And Mommy's been good about buying them cat food in these lean days and skipping the treats for herself....

    Of course Mommy (me)is just greedy enough to want to play with new toys all on her own - LoL!

    Hugs and blessings and don't let the twins run you ragged come Sunday on your special day! Hmmm...twins might be twice the work but also twice the loving so it sounds like a good deal. - Jean

  33. Hi Deborah,

    Here's my "twin" subscriber entry. In the spirit of childhood and blog candy devotees everywhere let me simply say...Thank you for the generous gifts for your celebrations and of course....Pick me pretty please pick me....I've been drooling over this set of Cammies since last fall and Just Rite has been on my wish list at least that long!

    PS: The cat's have promised you first pick of any hairballs, feathers or lizard tails for craft projects if you pick their mommies name once again. (I guess you gotta be a fur face to understand fur face humor - I'm just glad I don't currently have a sheep or a dog since God alone knows what they might try to trade!)

    Hugs and blessings and Happy almost Mother's Day - Jean


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