
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another winner! One More day...

Thank you again to all those who are playing along in my 5 days to Blogaversary! It has been fun and tomorrow will be the final Blog Candy giveaway that you do not want to miss.  I gave a hint yesterday to what will be given away-do you know what it is? Keep reading to find out why.

In the meantime, here is yesterdays winner of the paper collection:

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-05-07 12:33:32 UTC

Lisa said...

I love paper too, you can't have too much can you?

LISA! You are the winner! Congratulations! Please email me your addy so that I can get that into the mail for you to start enjoying!


Let's alter today.... that is the giveaway! Alterable items plus two stamp sets! Here is what you will recieve:

Plain Box, CD for calendars, Star decorations, Notebook, Canvas, small decorative box, SU! Alphabet soup, SU! 2 step Shapes and Shadows, and Judikins alterable Box Book.  How do you win? I mentioned above that I gave a hint to tomorrows giveaway... all you have to do is comment on what you think it might be.  Correct or not, you will be entered into todays giveaway! Good luck and I can't wait to see what you come up with!!

I will post later today the project I mentioned about those Prima Flower bottles that you hate to throw away! It worked out well for my boys teachers as a little appreciation gift! 


  1. wow thanks, I just emailed you my address thanks so much for the chance to win I can't wait to receive the paper ;)

  2. Okay - I am thinking a JustRite product - but not sure which one!
    Thanks again for all the fun!

  3. Congrats to Lisa! Thanks for the chance for this yummy blog candy...I would love to win Shapes and Shadows and the other alterable items,

    I think tomorrow's blog candy has something to do with Just Rite products ;o)))

  4. I'm geussing Just Rite products for tomorrows candy and I think it will be a "king sized one. Can't wait to know (and possibly win?) lol

    I'd love to win todays candy. Thanks for the chance.

  5. My second comment cause i'm a subscriber and lovin it too!

  6. My brain is on vacation, so I have no clue. But whatever, you give nice blog candy, so I'm positive it will be fantastic!

  7. Great blog candy!! Thanks! I am thinking the biggie is some of the newest JustRite stamper products. How awesome would that be to win??!!

  8. Hmmm maybe something else by Carolyn King?! :) Honestly, I'm pretty stumped though, hehe.

  9. I'm thinking stamps and can't go wrong with stamps and paper!!!

  10. I was going to guess something by Cammie (Carolyn King). I'm excited to see what you have in store!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. P.S. I've also subscribed to your blog! Thanks for the inspirations!

  12. Oh! How fun! Happy Blogoversary! I think you're giving away Just Rite stamps!

  13. I'm thinking Just Rite too! How fun!

  14. Love your blog! Happy blogoversary to you! I'm a subscriber and venture to guess the candy is a combination of Just Rite and Carolyn King! But what?! Thanks a bunch for including me in your drawing!!!

  15. Here's my second entry as I'm a subscriber. Still not functioning enough to guess.

  16. wow! I think it is the new Just Rite round circles.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  17. Ooooh, sounds like its something from JustRite, like maybe their borders and centers? I love their products so I'd take anything from them. Thanks for the chance to win.


  18. Happy anniversary. I'll guess just rite which I love!

  19. Wow! Super Candy for each of these days. Thanks for bringing the loot to the party and sharing so generously.

    Sounds like Just-Rite product from the hint but though I searched their site I couldn't find anything relating to Kings. Hmmm....regal monogram of some sort maybe? Or a Cammie King product and Just Right hmmm...can't wait to see.

  20. Hi Deborah,

    I wasn't sure if subscribers get a second entry today as well. If so here's my second one and thanks again for sharing suching awesome candy!

  21. ok, i want to say a Just Rite product, but the "king" thing threw me off, so maybe it's bling? everyone king needs a crown w/ bling, right??!!!

  22. Sounds like a just rite product I cant wait to see thnaks for this chance at some great blog candy

  23. I agree it does sound like a JustRite product or one of Cammie King's new sets!

  24. I am thinking something from Just Rite Stampers. and something to do with KING. But I am not sure what that could be. Thanks for the chance to win. Jenny

  25. WOW-E!! I'm thinkin it may have something to do with stamps!

  26. From the way you wrote the word "rite" I'd say it's something from Just Rite. Your friend, Cammie (Carolyn King), sent me here to your site so I'm thinking it also has something to do with one of her fabulous stamp sets. Thanks for the chance at blog candy.

  27. Wow, it has to be the JustRite stamps. That is what I think it will be. Thanks for the chance to win.

  28. I would have to say it is something from Just Rite. Thanks for the chance to win.

  29. What an easy question...."Just Rite" is your giveaway....thanks for the opportunity to win!
    Jan Castle

  30. Beautiful blog! We share this Blogversary so just wanted to wish you a Happy one!


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