
Monday, November 19, 2012

You Measure Up! And Blog Candy Winner - Day 1

Monday again! This Monday thing just keeps coming around faster each week! But, at least it is a very short week for all.

I would like to share a card made with Whimsie Doodles image of Measure up.  I think he is just the cutest and perfect for a teacher or child.  Perhaps even a handyman/lady? Hee hee... I could use one of them...

I colored the image with Copics and kept it CAS.  I used scraps for the dp and colored banners.  I finished it off with part of a border sticker from SRM Stickers at the top and some MS ribbon as well.
Easy Peasy!

Today is the first draw of my Blog Candy Weekend.  And here is the winner from Fridays candy:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2012-11-19 13:29:52 UTC

Glad things are settling down Deborah! Hope you have a great one!

LYN! Please message me you address so that I can send these goodies off to you! Congratulations!
If you haven't played along, there is still time for the other candies I have posted! Don't forget for those of you who follow or subscribe... you get an extra entry! Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek!!


  1. This is super CUTE!
    I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! Hugs..

  2. SO ADORABLE!!! I just love this image...may just have to get it. You've colored it beautifully!

  3. I love this little guy so much! Super cute!!
    Your teacher treats were adorable!!


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