
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blog Candy Weekend- Day 3

Another day, another blog candy post!  :)  I have survived the Thanksgiving grocery shop craziness today... I normally don't wait this late, but since this year it is just us with no family to share it with, I wasn't pressed to ensure it was all together earlier on.  So, I got us a small turkey with no death match in the frozen isle- score!  All in all, I am ready for a cooking extravaganza!

Today's candy includes three MFT sets that have retired and I have either used once or never.  Also included is a spool of ribbon that is school themed and some Fiskars embellishments. 

All you have to do is leave a comment and for this one, I will pull a name on Wednesday morning.  As usual, followers/subscribers have an additional entry! Good luck!


  1. Hi Deborah! I love your blog and follow it. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  2. Glad you survived the Thanksgiving-week supermarket madhouse! It was already crazy on Friday. I wasn't shopping for Thanksgiving though, we are eating out :)

    Thanks for another generous blog candy chance.

  3. Thanks for the chance to win some more goodies!

  4. I am ready to hit the supermarket Monday for our turkey and things. Wish me luck. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
    Thanks a bunch for the chance to win you fabulous day 3 blog candy.

  5. Happy Monday Deborah! glad you are ready for the holiday cooking - can't wait to see what you say after you finsh it up! Haha!


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