
Monday, August 13, 2012


Where did the weekend go? My kids started school last Wednesday so this is the first full week back in the grind.  I do have a card to share with you so bear with me on my mini story here.  These last few days were actually filled with homework, papers to be signed, re-signed, emergency contacts updated, pay this, pay that, and anything else the school needs my chicken sctatch! : ) Extra curricular activities start as well.  I have one son started guitar lessons and art classes and one playing sports.  Goodness! There is never a dull moment in our household!  Below is a picture of my boys on the first day of school and of my son ready for his guitar lessons that start today.

But first I will share with you my card. It is an elegant Thank you card made for a friend who needed one.

I used some oldies here... Basic Grey Stella dp and the sentiment is from Green Grass Stamps which I do not believe are still in business.  The ribbon is some seam binding and black jute from the Stamp Simply Ribbon store.  I just {{Heart}} Sharons store.... The flowers are paper Prima minis used to complete the look.  Super simple!  Hopefully this will fit the bill of what my friend is looking for!

Ok... so allow me to brag...

First day of 4th grade

Thank you for stopping in! I hope you  have a great Monday!


  1. This card is gorgeous!!!!! : )

  2. That gorgeous paper makes for a very lovely card! So pretty!

  3. Adorable boys Deborah. I love this card with the flowers and twine.


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