
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fangs for Everything- Hambo Hoedown

Happy Wednesday and that means it's time for the Hoedown!

This weeks Hambo Hoedown features the image Rattler along with the challenge of incorporating a knot somewhere in your project.

For my card I used some scrap oldies by October Afternoon, (I need to use and not hoard!) and decided to color block the card which is a 4x4 in size.  I colored in the image with my Copics and then cut it out.  I then popped it up on an oval cutout from my nesties lightly sponged with some Distress inks.  I finished off the card with some twine which I knotted vertically.  Here is the finished inside:

I mimicked the outside color blocking and adding it to the inside with the sentiment which I punched out using my SU! small oval punch.

Be sure to stop by the challenge to see what the other Bacon Bits created and if you participate, be sure to link up!! Thanks for stopping by my ramblings!


  1. LOVE your card, Deborah!! The paper squares are such a great design to show off that adorable snake!! (for some reason the words adorable and snake do not seem to go together!! haha)

  2. S-S-Sensational, Deborah. I'm liking the colors you used. Thanks for letting us peek into the inside too, to see more squares. They look great!

  3. I like how you brought the colored squares into the inside of the card as well!

  4. Your card is gorgeous with all the white space, just stunning!

  5. Very cute card Deborah!!!. I love how you pierced the snake and those little squares have a great DP!!!

  6. I love how you've finished off the inside of the card to match the outside. Very fun!


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