
Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog Candy Alert

Happy MLK Day!

I hope you all are having a nice long weekend with your family! I am still without camera but realized (DUH!) that I can use my phone! Soooo.... I just wanted to pop in to share with you some mega blog candy I am giving away!

I am cleaning house and slowly downsizing my craft area so there are some really great items in here! You will get some Karen Foster Snap Stamps, Le Plume markers, Flower Soft stamp, Maya Road chipboard, ribbon, embellies, Pink Paislee, MS Stamps, Cosmo Cricket Blackboard, Hero Arts stamps, and a lot of other things!!

Want to enter?! Here is all you have to do...

1) If you are not a follower, that is ok but I would love for you to be! You will have an extra chance if you do...
2) Leave a comment!

THAT'S IT!!  I will pick a random winner January 28!! I will have more candy as I clean house so you will have other chances to win! Good luck!


  1. wow what a great prize. Thank you so much for the chance to win. I am already a follower and have been for a while now.

  2. Thanks for the chance Deborah! I Love candy! Also love seeing what you do! Pat Baulos

  3. Thank you so much for the chance Deborah. I already am a follower. ;)

  4. Great give away...
    Love seeing what you do and quick get a new camera, miss not seeing your projects.

  5. Thank you for starting the New year with a great give away. I am a subscriber and love the ideas you share.
    Pam W

  6. That sure is a mega blog candy package! Thanks for the chance.

  7. Hi Deborah...I have been following your blog forever...and I would love love love to win all the cool stuff...Pleeeeze pick me! angie

  8. Hi Deborah
    So generous of you to share these crafty goodies. I'm a follower of your blog.

    Wishing you all the best and thanks so much.

  9. I love following your blog. Thank you for the chance at all the blog candy. holy moly, loL.

  10. Hi Deborah,
    you're so generous with your blog candy. I love getting the emails of your blog to see what you've been up to.
    Hugs, dinkuminkum, Anne.

  11. Wow, Deb! That is so incredibly generous of you to share your loot! :) You have some awesome goodies in that package, and someone is going to be a very lucky crafter! (It will be like Christmas all over again! lol)
    I've been a little MIA lately (court stuff to deal with--my daughter's father is an ). BUT I look forward to playing catch up and seeing what you've been up to!
    Love, Lindsay

  12. I'm a follower too!! :)
    P.S. I said {insert mean word here} on my last post, but I guess since I had the little signs that you use for a link, it took it out. just fyi... i wouldn't say anything bad. haha

  13. Thanks for the chance to win such a great blog candy assortment! I signed up to follow your blog.


  14. Wow mega is right. What a great way to start the new year. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs Teresa

  15. Wow!! You have some great candy available. Thanks for being so generous. I'm a follower, and I thank you for the chance to win.



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