
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Feeling a little lost...

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and now gearing for the New Year! I have been busy with preparing with the holidays and then the Noreaster rolled in. We were to head to FL the day after Christmas but my hubby and I decided that perhaps we should try to beat the storm and leave Christmas night. We did! It was crazy but we drove all night and made it! The worst part about this holiday is that my camera broke and we have not gotten a new one yet. We haven't decided on which one and of course it can be pretty pricey. With that said, I hope you will continue being patient until then for my projects to be posted. I will have a back log for sure!

I wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year and all the best in 2011!!

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I love hearing from you...Thank you for taking the time to leave your kind comments!