
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Time for an Appletini!!

Well, with the holidays behind us, this card is about how I feel!! : )  I made this for a friend for Christmas, and like the rest of creations lately, just not able to get it posted!  BUT! It is a new year so I am making a resolution of uploading quickly and to use most of what I have and not purchase anything new unless needed! (HA!) (DH is probably reading this and laughing...)

This is such a fun set from MFT and I think it says a lot for what we all go through during the holidays! Ok, maybe just me? Anyway, I colored in the image using Copics and added some Stickles to the ornaments for some sparkly.  The fun festive dp you can find at Paper Addicition from Scenic Route.  I figured the poor girl is dreaming for a drink which is why I have the martini above her with the thought-dots.   I added some ribbon and brads and was finished. 

Thanks again for stopping by to take a peek at some of my schtuff!!


  1. How fun! I love the ornament hanging on the appletini! It's always a good time for one of those! wonderful stamp and pretty DP - I made the same resolution and have already broken it! but I'm still going to try again!!! maybe I can at least slow down the buying!? LOL!!

  2. Okay LOVE this! Great background to go with this and yes this is how I feel sometimes. lol

  3. FANTASTIC--looks great with that dp...pass me the tini!


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