
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1st Sketch of the New Year!

The sketch challenges for Sketches! {by Tamara} is back from holiday and here it is:

I am not sure why I chose an earthy theme, but I have had this great Eco Chic set from Unity Stamps for a while now and it has sat patiently waiting to be inked.   It sort of just fit.

I used some Basic Grey DP along with Bravo Burgundy and to go along with my using things I have for the New Year, I decided to use my Prisma Markers instead of my beloved Copics!  I used my Threading water punch for the bottom and added ribbon, a prima and brad for the final touches.  The sentiment and main panel are popped up.  For the glossy look on earth, I used some clear self adhesive pebbles from CTMH that my good friend Stacy (Twinshappy) sent me for my birthday, among other fun stuff! The pebbles fit perfectly over earth! 

Thanks for stopping by to peek and hope you will play along with the sketch!


  1. Oooooh, what a very cool card!
    Happy New 2009, to you!


  2. What a fun sketch and cool earth stamps! love the colors on your card!

  3. Fun Deborah, gald you could use the jewels!

  4. So cool, Deborah! Love those pebbles! Isn't Stacy the best?

    Hugs to you,


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