
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Cat's Pajamas Stamps May New Release and Blog Hop

Well! It's back to the grind now that the long weekend is over. But don't worry, we will turn that frown upside down with all the fun new stamp sets and CutUps TCP is releasing! Nothing like some new stamps to start off your week!

My first card to share with you is an interactive card.  I saw a spinner card that gave me an idea to use a few different sets being released for my card.  Now, I think I would have perhaps done a few things differently. One, I think I would have made this a square card at 5"x5" and two, I would have used a smaller image to depict what this cutie was dreaming about.  However, I could not resist the image just knowing there are some fur friends who probably dream such excitement! :)

Here's a quick video to show the motion of it.

As you can see, I use a few different images from the new sets.  Each one had an image unique to what this little guy could be dreaming about.  I also kept it in gray with a hint of color since I am guessing they are dreaming in gray?  This was a fun card to make and I will probably do it again using something different.

For my second card, I decided to make a Z Fold card to extend the image a little more from this set called Live More.

Again, in hindsight, I would have done one thing differently and that would have been to keep the lines straight. I don't know why I curved them at all, but at that point, there was no turning back! :)  This set is a darling and perfect for watercolors.  The new grass die is not a TCP exclusive, but one that is being carried in the store.

So now that you have seen some more creations with some new products, are you 

 Thanks for stopping in and next up is the fabulous LYNN!


  1. Love these Deborah! You made these darling fun sets even more fun.

  2. Such fun folds and movement in these designs Deborah!

  3. Love the interactive quality of these fun cards. Brilliant.

  4. These are fabulous! Love the interactivity of your designs.

  5. I love how interactive your cards are. What a great pair of cards.


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