
Monday, April 25, 2016

Sneaky Peek Day 7 - Square Stamps Cut Ups

It's day 7 here with the sneak peeks of the soon to be release TCP Stamps! How did you like them? Are they not just the most fun and beautiful at the same time? And the Kitty Cat Pack have outdone themselves to showcase all the sets this week.

Today's sneak is the Square Stamp Cut Ups.  These are some super fun dies that are so versatile.

For this card, I used the new 'Sending' die to start the sentiment and the fun set of Sending You for the image.  I used the smaller letters in the set to place as if it were flying out of his satchel as he scooted by.  The card was completed with some fun buttons and enamel dots.  How cute is bunny on a scooter? :) He always just makes me smile.

Be sure to stop by the TCP Blog to see all of today's sneaks.  You will not be disappointed as the Cat Pack have made some fabulous creations.  And don't forget to join us in the Spring Blog Hop for some awesome inspiration and prizes!

Be sure to leave a little love on the blogs you visit during the sneak peeks. One random winner will be chosen to win a $10 gift certificate to the TCP Store.  Thanks so much for stopping by and mark your calendar for the upcoming Facebook PJ Party.  Make it a great day!

You certainly do not want to miss all the fun! Join Us...

 photo Siggy 2.png


  1. So sweet, Deborah! This makes me smile.

  2. Very fun, fresh card. The word dies are so fun to play with.

  3. So sweet Deborah...and I love that stripedy paper too!

  4. Darling card with the cute mail-delivering bunny! Who wouldn't love to have this fun card in their mailbox? Fun stamp set and I love the new CutUps!

  5. Love how the letters fly from his bag!

  6. Very cute card. I love the striped paper in the background. It gives the card energy. As if the bunny is going really fast!

  7. Fun paper choice. Love the placement of the buttons. It looks like they are coming out of his bag, too


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