
Monday, February 22, 2016

Your Next Stamp Feature Day - Coffee and Friends

Hello crafty friends!

It has been quiet along my blog lines, but it has been a very busy sport season for my boys and it has kept me running.  One son plays travel basketball and they just ended the season undefeated (14-0) and now we are headed to the playoffs.  My other son plays Lacrosse and has finished a winter league and gearing for the normal Spring season.  Now that the meat of the season is done, I hope to getting crafty more often!

Today is Feature Day over on the YNS Blog with the DT and the theme is Coffee, Tea, You and Me. YNS has an awesome line of coffee/tea and friendship stamps that this theme was easy to accomplish.  The only difficulty was deciding which set to use! :)  For my project, I am using Java Geek to create a little gift of coffee to a friend.

For this, I placed two K-Cups into a small plastic bag which I added two different tulle colors for the bow topper. The tag attached was made using the YNS Banner die set and some patterned paper from AC.  I stamped the images and colored them with Copics before cutting them out to be popped up onto the tag.  For the sentiment, I stamped it on the large 3D banner die and finished it with two coffee beans stamped from the Coffee Rings set. When it comes to coffee, I have so many ideas that tend to float through my mind for gifty ideas. It's one of my favorite gift giving ideas.

Be sure to head to the YNS Blog to see all the wonderful creations the DT have made. You will be inspired to make someone's day with a sweet card or gift! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

 photo Siggy 2.png


  1. This is fun! I love the design of the tag and the coffee cup with glasses makes me smile. Whow would not like to get this little perk me up?!


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