
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hang Ten Dude! TCP Sneaky Peeks Day 6

I hope you all are having a great weekend so far and have been enjoying all these fun sneak peeks from The Cat's Pajamas!  I know my fellow Kitties have inspired me with their talents and creativity!

Today is Day 6 and I just love this one.  It is called Stoked and perfect for that beach-going, surfer, sun loving person in your life.  I also got creative in using the TCP Mustache cut ups for the waves and seagull.

The patterned paper is from Authentique's Seaside collection while the image was stamped, colored in with Copics and fussy cut out.  The back panel is the Framed Up cut ups while the sun is from the soon to be released cut up of Country Fair.  I completed the card with some jute tied in 2 knots and added to the bottom of the frame for a little extra ocean flair.

Be sure to join in on the fun Tuesday for the Pajamas Party! There you will get to see more sneak peeks from this release along with chatter and games.  You don't want to miss out!

And don't forget to comment during this fun week of peeks! You can win a gift certificate to the TCP store - Are you in it to win it?!

 photo Siggy 2.png


  1. This is the one I've been waiting cute! Love all your big waves!

  2. Sweet! Love your extra waves and great coloring!

  3. Love the layering. The plain black background is a good starting point.
    the sun is a fun touch. That bunny is darling.
    thanks for sharing.

  4. Super cute and I
    love the waves and
    Carla from Utah

  5. Good use of the moustache! Your Color combo using the black really makes the blue waves POP.

  6. cute. I like your mustache waves and seagull.

  7. Love your creative little "bird". Fun card.

  8. So cute! Love that big eared bun and your awesome coloring!


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