
Monday, March 30, 2015

There's a New Cat in Town....Some Exciting News!

Happy Monday everyone! And for some of you, happy Spring break!

It is definitely Spring Break for me and the family and I have taken vacation to spend in the warmth and sun.  Much needed for a Vitamin D fix and possible color on the legs! :)

I am here to share with you some exciting news... I am now part of the Cat Pack over at The Cat's Pajamas Stamps! I am so excited to be part of this team and work along side these talented ladies.  Some I have had or currently have the opportunity to work with before, and others, it will be a new experience.  I have longed been a TCP fan and have known Alma for years.  I've always wished to be part of her fab team and of course did not hesitate when asked.  Her stamps bring in the both the cuteness and humor that many have come to love, including me, and so many options of  what you can make with TCP stamps.

To debut my day as part of the Cat Pack, I have created this card using the newest release set of Space Cadet and the fun wavy stitch border die.

The sentiment was stamped on the Framed Up die set and tucked behind the panel of the stitched wave.  The image was stamped and colored in with Copics and popped up, while the card was completed by added some rhinestones to a few stars and sentiment.

Meowy thanks Alma for inviting me to join your fabulous team and can't wait to see what is in store. Thank you to my readers for sharing in my news and can't wait to share with you future projects! Have a great Monday!

 photo Siggy 2.png


  1. Congrats, Deb! I know you will have a fabulous time on the Cat Pack! :)

  2. Welcome GF! I was snooping thru your blog and your stuff is amazing, you will fit right in!

  3. Welcome to the Pack! Your card is darling!


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