
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hamster Heart - Hambo Hoedown

Whoop whoop! It's humpday! And that means we are back with another Hambo Hoedown challenge for you to play along with!

I can't believe that it's the middle of the week already but I am not complaining.  Yesterday was so crazy busy that I couldn't believe I was still standing at 7:00PM! : )  The best part of the day was seeing my boys get braces on and begin this whole new journey in their daily routine.  Not sure if I am going to like it, but I am happy to get it done and out of the way. Just another reminder that they are growing up... :(  Also, It is 9-11 today and I hope you take a moment to remember all those who lost their lives that day, for those service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedom or injured doing so, and for remember those men and women still serving overseas.

SO! This weeks fun challenge at the Hoedown is to use DECORATIVE SCISSORS in your card or project.  Remember those?!  Time to dust them off and join in on the challenge.  Remember... you can use any image to play along!

For my card, I used this weeks new digi called Hamster Heart. Isn't he cute? I colored him in with Copics and traced him with my oval nestie to be cutout with the decorative scissor leaving the cupcake to be cut out normally.  I used the Freshly Made sketch for the layout:
For the straight panel, I used another decorative scissor  along the edge for another detail and popped up the image over that.  The papers are from Authentique and I completed the look with some ribbon from my stash. 

Thanks for popping in and be sure to check out the other creations made by the Bacon Bits! Have a great Wednesday!
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  1. OK - I would be good to cut a straight line with those things- you have mad skills my friend! Sweet card and great coloring! Love it!

  2. Cauuuuute card and fabulous coloring (as always). I have just watched a programme on TV about the survivors of the 9-11 who were in the Marriot hotel when the towers came crashing down.... disturbing to watch!!

  3. Super cute! Love that sketch!!! And FAB designer paper!!!!


  4. Super cute! Love that sketch!!! And FAB designer paper!!!!



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