
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Anything Goes at the Hoedown

Guess what day it is? Yep.. It's Wednesday and time for a another Hambo Hoedown challenge!

This weeks challenge is Anything Goes, so there are no restrictions! And if you played in last weeks challenge, you should have a fabulous Hambo Digi ready to ink up and play along! : )

This weeks darling Hambo Stamps image is Bear Farmer.  He colored in with Copics and is on one panel together with one of three sentiments it comes with.  I used this weeks Seize the Sketch for the layout.

The bottom layer is a some scrap dp I had and I used the coordinating paper for the top strip which I punched out and folded over.  A brad was used in place of the star.  CAS sketch and was perfect for this image!

We hope you play along and if you do, don't forget to link up for your chance at being the Queen of the Hoedown and to receive your free digi!  Thanks for popping in and hope you have a great Wednesday!

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  1. well this is just too CUTE!!! :) Thanks for joining us on Seize the Sketch

  2. Deborah, I LOVE your coloring and the colors are awesome! Sweet little sketch came together well!!

  3. Adorable! Thanks for joining us at Seize the Sketch!

  4. Awesome inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Such a cheerful and cute card, Deborah! Love the yellow gingham touches.


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