
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Tisket, A Tasket, I Wove a Paper Basket

It's Wednesday and time for another Hambo Hoedown Challenge! The challenge is to incorporate something woven into your project.  For mine, I wove a small basket with paper and made a pick using Bunny Basket.

I have always wanted to weave a basket with paper, and this challenge was a perfect moment to do it.  I colored the image with Copics and cut it out with my nesties, while the layering nesting cut, I used some matching cs to weave over that for another woven look.  I popped up the image and made my stick using some kraft cardstock. I finished it off with some Prima flowers, brads, and some ribbon. Perfect little basket for filling with treats and giving as a gift.

Here are some close ups of the basket and tag:

We hope you play along with us this week and link up your wonderful creation on the Hoedown blog! In the meantime, be sure to check out what the other Bacon Bits have been up to in creating for the challenge.  Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek!



  1. Oh my gosh Deborah, this is amazing!!!

  2. WOW! Awesome! Incredible! The pick and Baily alone are great but that basket is supergreat ( I made this word up just for you) - you now have to do a tutorial blog post on ho to make the basket! :~)

  3. Wowza girl -- this is so so cool!! I wanna know how~! Love your little tag too!


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