
Friday, March 22, 2013

10 Minute cards and Giveaway

Happy Friday!! YAY! It's Friday! And today is not just any ol' Friday... It will be Spring Break next week!! Shockingly, we do not have any big trips planned, but we do have some friends flying in for a few days, so the boys are thrilled to see their bestie and I am thrilled to have some girl time with my friend!

I was asked to do a card class social for our Battalion and we had about 32 people.  I was super busy cutting paper and making 3 different card layouts for yesterdays class.  But, the gals were happy and they now have some cards to send their husbands in Afghanistan.  I have two to share with you today.

These cards take less than 10 steps and about 10 minutes or less to put together.  I really had to make these as simple as possible for them due to time constraints on the room we had and because many of them have never done this before.  These kits had everything in them that you see here and all the gals had to do was tape it all together!  The first card was don't using some old MME dp that I have had in my stash I think for eternity. :) The sentiment is from Flourishes Just My Type set that I just love.  I used paper doilies for the back layer and popped the sentiment up.  I finished the card with some ribbon and rhinestones.  For the next card, I used The Cat's Pajamas The Mustache Set and coordinating dies.  I punched out the scallop circles with my mega punch from Marvey (just when you think you'd never use them again, it comes in handy and saves your die machine!) and used MFT's die-namics for the banner for the sentiment.  The middle panel was hand cut into fishtails and the dp is some old SU! Wanted paper I also had just lying around! The 'stache and the sentiment are popped up. So as you can see, super simple and quick!

Would you like a set of these cards to make? I have a few kits left over so just leave a comment and I will pick 2 random people to send them out to on Monday, March 25! Instructions will be included.

Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a fabulous Friday!


  1. Love your cards! Fabulous! Hope you have a great spring break.

  2. Wow! you have one heck of a talent. I love seeing all the new cards you make. It makes me what to run out to the craft store =O)

  3. These are great and that mustashe makes me giggle.
    No plans... are you feeling okay? Boys sick, wahts wrong? LOL Kidding... Glad you get some down time atleast, enjoy it girlie.

  4. Gosh, those are cute cards and I love that it don't take a long time to make. Love the mustashe card, super cute for a guys card.
    Enjoy your Easter.

  5. I just LOVE this pair of fun cards--they look so fun to make!


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