
Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Wednesday! I do hope all of you who live on the East Coast faired well in this crazy storm that barreled into your lives so rudely! It's hard to see those pictures of NY and NJ with so much water and in despair.  My dh is from NJ so we are familiar with many of those places they are showing on TV and we just can't believe it.

Let's relax a bit and talk Hoedown! This weeks image and challenge is fun to play along with! The Hambo image is Cactus and the challenge is to use Neon.  Yep... Neon. If you are like me, that is pretty far fetched, but I dug way deep into some old piles of cs I still had and actually found a neon green one!

The picture doesn't show this green to be very neon, but I PROMISE... it is! :)  I colored the image with Copics and used my CB embossing folder for the bg.  I then made the bottom border using MFT's die-namic crown border which I enhanced using Liquid Applique.  Of all times I did not have some pom pom ribbon, the applique had to do! This image just screams pom poms... The ribbon is from my scrap stash which is a wired border and it helped when pleating.  I then finished it off with the sentiment 'Hola!' and a twine bow.  We hope you will join us this week!

Today is the LAST day of the Hogtoberfest Sale going on at Hambo Stamps! 30% off everything (except cling cushion) including digis! How can you pass it up! Now is your chance to get all those stamps you wanted at a great price bringing laughter to someone's day!

Thanks so much for stopping by...


  1. Hola! back atcha! Great card, and the thing I like the best are the little Oreo halves at the bottom! LOL (Well, that's what it looks like to me. Maybe I have cookies on the brain?) I love that texture behind the image too. Fun!!

  2. LOVE your ribbon accent and the crown border! A few weeks ago I found a stack of neon cardstock. I don't ever remember buying it. Is that bad? LOL!
    As always...great card!

  3. I don't think it is will have to bring it here to me so I can verify the true color :)

    Super cute!!

  4. This is sooo cute - I love the fringe with balls! Very authentic looking!

  5. Having grown up in New Mexico, this really speaks to me! I adore that image and you colored and showcased it wonderfully!!!!


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