
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forgotten...

It is hard to believe that 11 years have gone by since 9/11 and that America is still at war; the longest ever in history.  We are at war because of 9/11.  11 years is a long time to always remember the real reason, politics aside, why military families are constantly say good-bye to their Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman, and Coastie's to help fight this war on terror and praying that thier loved one will be home again to say hello.  I know I don't forget because I am one of those families.  My sons and I have to soon say good-bye (again) to my husband as he leaves for a year to help protect the freedom of this country, and so that I can have this blog and you can have all the qualities of life you so enjoy.  Please take a moment to remember all of those who perished on September 11, 2001 and for all those military men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice- because of September 11.

Today's card is in remembrance of 9/11 and to thank our military for their selfless service.  I used this weeks Mojo Mondays sketch 258 and MFT's set of Godspeed.

DP is CTMH that has been in my stash, no joke, about 7 years!! I know... it's time to clean house I think! lol!  I sewed around the edge and used my nesties for the stars and circle cut outs.  I colored in the image with my Copics and popped up the image and circle panels.

Thank you for stopping by today and taking a moment to remember!! Have a great Tuesday!!

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