
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

You Inspire Me

Happy Tuesday!

I have decided that I would like my summer back and wait a little longer for school and extra curricular activities to begin.  : )  It is amazing how quickly your days change once the kids are back in school and there are additional dutied needed to accomplish your daily tasks!! We have been busy!! Homework amazes me everyday as my little 4th graders bring home work that I am pretty sure I didn't learn until around the 7th-8th grade!! Times sure have changed and so has one grade level!! LOL!!

With all that said, I wanted to create a card using MFT's Anniversary set along with some MME dp to create an inspirational image.

The papers in this MME pack are so pretty that I stamped directly on the dp to blend in with the image. I finished it off with some ribbon and embellishment from I think K&CO and some self adhesive pearls.

I am off to my volunteer duties with the Army today so my feet are already moving! Make it a great day and thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, awesome design on this one Deb.
    School starts tomorrow for us, yea. Orientation today and all that jazz. Where does the summer go? Hope things are good on the west side. Hugs...


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