
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hop Art Designs Hoedown and Your Chance to Win!

Wowzer! Lookie at who is part of Hambo Stamps! Asela Hopkins! We are so excited to announce Hop Art Designs available in the Hambo Digi Shop that you will surely love! Not only is it exciting that she is designing some fun digi stamps, but it is also for a great cause. A part of the proceeds of Asela's digi line will go to benefit Operation Write Home! If you are not familiar with what awesome work this organization does for our troops, please be sure to check it out and if possible, contribute your fabulous creation(s) to them so that a soldier can write home on a beautiful card! With this celebration of Hop Art Designs, you have a chance to win a free digi! Keep reading for the details...

My card is made using Trena with Heart. To color this image, I chose to use my colored pencils and Gamsol to create a softer look. I used do from Paper Studio and cut my panel with my Nesties which I sponged around with my Distress Inks. I cut out Trena and popped her up on the panel. I then made a banner cut for the middle panel where I placed the sentiment along with some metal dots. I then finished the card with some crocheted trim.
How would you like to win a free digi? Here is what image you can win:

All you have to do is comment and tell me where you would most like to vacation this summer and why! You have until Tuesday April 3 at midnight CST. Winners will be announced on the Hoedown Blog on Thursday April 5! That's it! Good luck!
Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out the new line of digis at Hambo Stamps! Don't forget to check out what the other Bacon Bits created using Hop Art Designs at the Hoedown! Have a great Wednesday!


  1. I like that you used the same digi that was given to all players from last week--very inspiring! My fave vgacation spot is Cozumel in Mexico. It's great for hitting the market, practicing my Spanish and swaying in a hammock on the beach, palm leaves riffling in the breeze and the waves lulling me to sleep. Sigh-not this year!

  2. I really like the layout you chose.

    Lol-I had to giggle when I read your question. Ready for my answer? Anywhere. I haven't been on a vacation in 8 years since my first son was born. Heck, I'd take a vacation in a hotel around the corner right about now :)

    Thanks for sharing your card :)

  3. Love your cutie card! Hope you are enjoying vacation!

    Hope to see you soon!!! (your fav vacation is visiting me! giggle!)

  4. Cute card...nice coloring. I like the crocheted trim.

  5. Love that optical illusion-ish paper and your black trim really pops!

  6. What a sweet card, that I think ANYONE would love to receive! :)

  7. Great card Deborah!!!. This was so much fun to do!!!. I love your crocheted trim as well. Great look!!!

  8. I love this image and the coloring with your colored pencils. I also like the geometric pattern of the DP. Great card! Thanks for supporting Operation Write Home and for joining our Midweek Throwdown Challenge at Operation Write Home Stars & Stamps!

    p.s. I would love to vacation somewhat close to home along the coast, like Ocean Shore, WA. My son is going into the Air Force (he did a delayed entry program and was enlisted in January) and he will be going to boot camp most likely in August. He graduates High School this June, so it will be our last chance to be with him for awhile.

  9. Such a cute image. That dp sure does spice up the card. I'd love to vacation on a cruise again this year.

  10. Absolutely adorable! Love the layout and your coloring is perfect!

  11. Great card! I would take a vacation just about anywhere but if I had to chose, it would be Alaska. My mom always wanted to go there before she died and I would do it for her. So if you are offering lets go!!!



  12. What a cute card - and I'm hoping to get to Arizona maybe, if I can arrange it when it's not a virtual oven :)

  13. This might be my favorite of the new stamps. Love your coloring.

  14. My favorite vacation site would be Italy. Went there when I was in college and want to go back again. Thanks for a chance to win the digi.


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