
Friday, January 20, 2012

Using Rub On's for Quick Cards

Happy Friday everyone! I can't believe another week has gone by by it was a good one! My boys both ended on the Honor Roll at school and they deserved it! They worked SO hard for it which is not an easy feat for my two. This coming week will be hectic as I prepare to head out to CHA and get the house in order for the hubby!
Today I wanted to share with you some vintage cards I made playing around with some rub on's to make for very quick and easy cards either to keep on hand or give as gifts. I love wine so these with the vintage corkscrew and goblet got my attention. But I also love the bike with one of my favorite sentiments. Both sets of rub on's I picked up in Mike's $ bin. I just wanted some clean and simple cards to use and felt using rub on's would fit the bill!

I received some exciting news yesterday which I can't share yet, but will next week. Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you have a fab Friday!


  1. Congrats to your boys! I know they have worked hard, and so have you, in their new school!

    Your cards are so classy! I love rub-ons!!

    Excited to hear and see your news!! :)

  2. Oooo... You've inspired me to find my rub-ons! Love how these turned out!

  3. Hi Deborah!!!. LOVE those vintage cards!!!. I can't wait either to tell the good news and to work with this group!!!.

  4. Clever idea and I like the white space.


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