
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A very quick manly birthday card

Hi everyone! Wow! It's amazing how your week of having nothing becomes full of appointments in an instant!  Mostly for my kids, but appointments nonetheless!
I had a free 30 minutes that I thought I would whip up a very quick birthday card for a friend that I always seem to screw up his birthday!  It's very simple but says exactly the truth! Lol!
I used MFT's die-namics stamp set and Basic Greys Granola collection. The outside tab is from the die collection of The Cats Pajamas. I distressed the edges, used Tim Holtz Distress ep for the top of my embellishment and popped up the center sentiment.  I finished it off by using sone distress ink all around.  The inside sentiment is from MFT's tongue in cheek collection... It says "Hell has officially frozen over." It's quite appropriate for this friend.. Lol!
Thats about it for me today! I'm now off to my kids award ceremony and another appointment! Ugh...  Thanks so much for stopping by!

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