
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 4 MFT Sneak Peeks- Heartfelt

It's Day 4 of Sneak Peeks for MFT! The Design Team has been rocking them this week and we hope you have been able to peek at them all! Here are a few tidbits about this release:

* Release party is from 8-10pm on December 1st, on this thread in the MFT Splitcoast Member Company Forum.
* The December Guest Designer Contest is still open, but entries will close TOMORROW on Tuesday, November 30th at 10 PM EST. The winner will be announced at the release party.
* Teasers will run daily through Wednesday, December 1st. Be sure to check my blog at 11:00am for links to designers previewing each day. Every day there will be a prize hidden on two of the Creative Team’s blog posts. Leaving a comment on every designer’s blog post will give you the best chance of winning every day :) This month, each day, 2 winners (one from each prize blog) will be sent a $10 gift voucher! Be sure to check back on Kim's blog to see if you have won!

Today, I am showing you a card made with Heartfelt.  She is darling and I really wanted to keep her the focus. So this is a white card with a hint of color.  I really like making cards like this every once in a while.

I started with stamping the image on MFT White Perfect Panels with Black Momento ink.  I colored her in using Copics and I cut out and popped up the heart she is holding. (It's hard to tell in the picture) I used my Nestie die to cut out the image while using the awesome new MFT Hearts a plenty Die-namic die for an accent on the bottom which is also popped up.  LOVE this new die!!

 I added some green crystals, popped up the sentiment, and placed some gingham ribbon to finish off the card.  I did draw in a little "xox" along the bottom corners to match her cute little jacket.

Be sure to check out Kim's Blog for the awesome list of designer blogs to take a peek at!! Have a wonderful day!!


  1. How sweet is this card?! Love it!!!

  2. Awwww, love that addition of the xox on the corners, how smart chickie of you!!!!

  3. Ohh, I am so scared of all that white, but you worked it... and your girlie is a darling focal point because of it!

  4. Now is just a darling. Great use of all of that white too.

  5. Awwwwww! She is just too cute...makes me smile. Great card!!

  6. Love the color choices! Great job!

  7. Just darling!! White scares me! Love how you used it!

  8. Very sweet, great way to embrace the white!

  9. This is just adorable and I love the little x0x in the corners...too cute!!!

  10. lovely, soft colors. so beautiful.

  11. cute... i love the clean look of this card.

  12. Sweet clean-and-simple design! Too cute!


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