
Monday, May 3, 2010

Blog Candy Winner-Way to Win

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and had nice weather to match.

I want to thank everyone who participated in the Our Craft Lounge Blog Hop on Friday as well as leaving comments on the sneak peek days!  From that, we have a winner for my Blog Candy!

Congratulations to MICHELLE Y! Email me your information so we can get your goodies out to you!  I hope everyone joins in on the Friday Sketches on The Lounge blog site.  You can win some fabulous stamps that way too!

I will end this announcement with a quick little card I made for my kids using a stamp from Gina K.

My kids had a game on Saturday and their team won.  It was a great game with one of my boys  made a home run hit and my other a 3 base hit.  They were all very excited to have won and make some great hits!  The dp is by Paper Studio and the sentiment by Michael's.  The image is popped up and I finished it off with a little bit of twine.

Thanks again for playing and stopping by! Have a great Monday!


  1. YEAH!!! Thank you SO much for the darling stamp set! I think that bear will be adorable all covered in Sparkly Fluff!!!


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