
Friday, March 19, 2010

Dandelion Days- OCLDT05

TGIF everyone! For me, the weekend has started as the kids have the day off today and Spring has greeted us early with some GORGEOUS weather!!  It was another crazy day for me yesterday as my son had to go to the ER to have his foot checked out.  He had hurt his foot during a basketball game nearly a month ago and he has always dismissed any pain he may have had in result.  By yesterday morning he woke up and I found his literally crawling like a baby down the hall.  I asked what was wrong and he said he could not walk on his foot.  Well! I guess it was time to have it checked out! To add to that craziness, both my boys had a dentist appointment first thing, so we did that first before dropping off one child at school and the other to the hospital.  The end result is that my son has a sprain but the DR seemed to think he has rolled his ankles before.  The x-rays came out good and she said no running or jumping for 10 days! HA! Did she realize she was saying this to a very active 7 year old boy??!! I thought, yeah sure doc! Baseball season is about to start, so maybe we will see you again! LOL!  So, that's my Friday story!!

BUT! It's the Fabulous Friday OCL Sketch today!! Play along for your chance to win some awesome stamps!!  Here is the sketch:

My card is using a great set called Dandelion Days.  I just love it! Here is my card:

I slightly colored the image with my Copic markers and then added some of my yellow Copic Spica pens on top for added sparkle. The dp I used is by Basic Grey and I finished off the card using some scrap ribbon I had in my scrap bucket.  The two main image panels are popped up and the inside is also finished, but of course my mind was not thinking well today and I did not take a picture.  It is finished with another strip of black and the Basic Grey dp with the long vine on top.  Very similar to the middle panel.

A simple card for a fabulous sketch!! I hope you play along as I would love to see what you all come up with!! Have a fantastic day!

**I will have a clear stamp storage idea to show you soon! I am finishing that up.  I will also show you how I store my OCL stamps... I have finally found something that will hold up to 13 clear sets and about 10 rubber cling sets. Stay tuned!**


  1. Oh, love all the black & white with the tiny bit of color, so pretty!

  2. Hey... get outta my head!! LOL.... great minds baby. I can't wait to see your storage solution! YOU ROCK my friend!!

  3. Beautiful, Deb! I love the subtle colors against that striking black!

    Hope your sweet boy gets better! Wouldn't want your life to be TOO exciting! ;) Can't wait to see your storage idea!

  4. This is just beautiful, Deborah!! I love the black and white with a POP of yellow! Perfect to welcome in spring!!

  5. AWESOME! I agree about the color - b&w with a punch of the color - GORGEOUS! Hope your son's foot is feeling better soon. I also have a 7yo son - and OH BOY - I'd have to tie him DOWN to get him to sit still!

  6. Amazing card! Love everythiing about it.
    Hugs and smiles

  7. Love the pops of yellow! Gotta love those Spicas!


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