
Monday, June 8, 2009

Some exciting news

Hi everyone!! I know it has been quiet here, but now that school is coming to an end this week and family is gone, I am happy to have my office back and start creating again.  I have been, however,  creating for my exciting announcement... 

I have started designing for My Favorite Things as the jewelry designer! You can see my first creation on June 10th on Kim's blog (and here of course!) and see some of the products she will carry in the store.  So stay tuned!!

**My blog is getting a makeover! You should see the finished product hopefully over the next few days!!**


  1. well well well look who has come out to say hi... bawhahaha... Kidding kidding... Congrats! Deb this is so cool! I am totally excited for you. big hugs....

  2. Congrats! And how exciting. I can't wait to see what you and Kim come up with.

  3. Oh I like the new look, had to come back by and see it since you ignored my phone call. haha

  4. Congrats on the MFT jewelry thing!!!! so cool!!!! *love* the new blog look ~ perfect for you!!


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