
Sunday, May 3, 2009


Where does a year go?  I didn't realize that in 5 days, my Blogaversary will arrive!!  I am giving away more Blog Candy in celebration of it and not just on my Blogaversary date! I am giving away candy EVERYDAY for the 5 days leading up to it!! Stay tuned and starting tomorrow you will have a chance at the daily give aways!!  

I hope you all are having a fantastic weekend and I will leave you with a super simple project using a dollar bin find!  I took a cute Laura Ashley notebook from Mike's dollar bin and decided to monogram the outside for quick personalization.  I used PTI's B&C Monogram Edition and Ambassador Monogram to achieve the look.  I added ribbon and popped up the punched out 1"and 1 1/4" circles. Easy Peasy!! Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Oh springy and I like the monogram, great job. Nice to see you come out and say hi! but haven't posted on the thread anything... Whats up missy???? I might give you a call today if not it will be tomorrow! Thinking about ya. Hugs..


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