
Monday, February 16, 2009

A kind award with a thought

I have been given an award from Betty (gbedwright). This "award is given to a blog that invests and believes in PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.” The rule of the award is to now pass it on to another 8 people who demonstrate this spirit.  THANK YOU BETTY FOR THIS KIND AWARD!!

I am quite flattered with this award as blogging is something I do out of enjoyment to share the things that I love.  I know in this hobby of ours it is hard to sometimes keep up with "the Jones' " with new ideas and new products. You really want to get out there your fabulous creations!  For me, my hobby's are done out of self gratification and if it gets noticed, well great! If not, that is ok too.  My family and home is my priority before my hobby.  Yes, I would love to spend all day stamping or beading, but with the schedule my dh has, I have to decide what is more important.  The groceries won't shop for itself or the house clean itself. (I wish it would though!)  Just remember that on days you may feel like no one is watching, they probably are but not leaving a comment to say so.  And when it no longer becomes fun because you are trying really hard to gain the attentions of others, it is probably time to step back.  It is paper and ink, (or beads and strings) and it will forever be there- but your family or the time spent with them will not.  

Thank you for reading what I had to say and know that you are appreciated for coming to take a peek at my blog!  The 8 people I am extending this award to are:

1) Judy
2) Julia
3) Michelle
4) Andrea
5) Debbie
6) Bev
7) Tosh
8) Laura


  1. Thanks for the award Deb! You're such a sweetie!

  2. Oh my goodness, Deborah!
    Thank you for such a special award!


  3. Thank you Deborah for this wonderful award - I appreciate your passing it on to me!

  4. Thank you Deborah for such a kind award...not sure I am exactly worthy, but I appreciate someone thinking I am!

  5. Deborah, you are so deserving. I loved reading your story. Truer words never spoken. WOW!!!! Blessings to you!!!!

  6. It's no wonder Betty chose you for this award Deborah!! And I want to thank you so much for honoring me with it also. You are so kind and generous of heart!! May you be blessed as much as you are a blessing to others!!


I love hearing from you...Thank you for taking the time to leave your kind comments!