
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Single Layer Cards

Single layer cards... sometimes seems to be a challenge for some stampers.  But I really embrace them.  I love doing single layer cards.  For me, I like the simplicity of them and like them clean.  These two cards I made for the MFT Guest Designer challenge.  I really had fun doing them and probably will do more! LOL!!  The biggest item that is a must have from now on for these types of cards is using Gina K's Pure Luxury Cardstock.  Perfect weight, smoothness, and the best when using Copics to colors the images in.  No bleeding through!

For this card, I thought it would be fun to give this image a little retro feel by making the couch a velvety red material.  So, I used red Flock to cover the couch with.  I really liked how it turned out and it is definitely better irl!  I then colored the remaining image with Copics and added some liquid pearls to the hem of her skirt. I then added a prima with a pearl accent and metal dots in front of the sentiment.  Simple!

Materials Used: MFT, Gina K Pure Luxury cs, Primas, Red Flock, Copics, Pearl accents, Liquid pearls, real red 

This card falls into the non-traditional valentine category.  But I like it nonetheless.  I used MFT's Nature calls set  and colored in the image with Copics.  I then masked the tent to added the trees and stamped a heart on the top of the tent.  Stickles were added to the heart for sparkle and ribbon and a ribbon slider for the finishing touch.  I also sponged in the ground around the tent for the "outdoors" feel.  

Materials used: MFT nature calls and sentiments, Sweet Talk, Gina K pure luxury cs, Momento brown, Copics, ribbon, ribbon slide, Old Olive, Creamy Caramel, Close to Cocoa, Choc Chip, Stickles

Thanks so much for stopping by! It is always appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. These are both great Deb. I like one layer cards, they are always to easy. Great job.


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