
Friday, January 30, 2009

CHA Pictures

We had such a great time at CHA meeting so many people you finally got to put face to name.  I just can't believe that I didn't take more pictures!  I got to room with Carolyn and Carole. 

I started off my trip by spending some time with Carolyn at her house in TX for a few days.

Meanwhile, the rental car I had gotten decided it was time to quit! We had spent a day of shopping at the lss and a few other errands, when we were at the last stop; the car would not start! (you might think this was a trick by our Dh's to stop spending money...)   SOOOO.... we had to wait for 3 hours until we got another car from the rental company and we were finding things to pass the time.....

Here we are.... Carolyn looking thrilled sitting at Taco Bell....
Tired of Taco Bell,  we went back to the car to sit.... Don't worry, we are our own little posse with no meaning behind our action other than absolute boredom!!! 

We finally made it to CA and met up with Kim and the MFT 's team for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe.... Kim received a welcoming gift from Carolyn and I....

Carolyn.... need I say more?? I think she is enjoying herself!

Later that evening was the SCS Cupcake reception...  Here is Judy (StampingQueenJar)  It was so nice to see her again!

Lisa Johnson.... I was fortunate enough to meet her in Chicago last summer and I was thrilled to see her again in CA.  She is such an awesome person!

We were having lunch on our last day at CHA... Carole knew she was headed home the next day... Chug chug girl!!  

Do you think Carole likes that placemat?? Maybe she needs another drink?

Our last night.... we were tired, but enjoyed it nonetheless!! Awesome dinner, awesome server, spending it with awesome friends!!!!

MWAH!!! Emily from Stamping Bella and Nicky... Absolute dolls!

Two more wonderful girls I got to see again!! Michelle and Laura!

Carole and Laura living up the cupcake reception!

Just had to get in another photo with Michelle!!

I hope you enjoyed these pictures!! I know I had a great time sharing and being there! Thanks for stopping by!!  


  1. DAHHHLING.. I miss you already!

  2. Love all the pictures Deb! I miss you already - we had so much fun AGAIN!

  3. What FUN fun pics!!! I have squinty eyes in our picture though! LOL
    Looks like you had a LOT of fun! So great to see you again!

  4. You look like you were having so much fun! I love all the pictures!!!

  5. Thanks for posting those very FLATTERING photos, Deb! Be on the watch for short-sheeting next time we room together, girlie!!! :) Seriously -- can't wait to see you again. It was a blast, wasn't it?! And because I'm too lazy to leave two comments -- LOVE that bracelet!!! I had no idea you made it with Spellbinders -- even MORE impressed than I was when I first saw it. You're going to have to show me how you do it...


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