
Friday, October 3, 2008

A thought, Wedding invites, and my Anniversary!

As if my life couldn't get any busier, it always does! This past month, I have been busy helping my sister (who lives in Switzerland) plan her wedding, finding my dress, making her invites, and deciding what items would be best for favors and table arrangements.   She and I have been having fun doing it all and I can say that I finished her invites on time and they are preparing to be sent out!  I thought I would share her design of her invitations and thank goodness she like simplicity!! I did not argue when this is what she chose!! LOL!! It actually got easier as it went along.
We used Bravo Burgundy and Very Vanilla for her colors since she is getting married during Thanksgiving weekend in the Netherlands in a castle.  We embossed the top portion with a CB folder and added some lush velvet ribbon to the bottom with a knot in representing them "tying the knot!"  This invitation fits nicely into a #10 envie with a piece of vellum on top.  My family and I are excited to be part of her special day in the Netherlands and can't wait for her to start her new life with her soon to be hubby!

I mentioned in my last post that I would share the anniversary card I had made for DH.  I kept thinking I wanted something a little more manly and the idea of those picture boards kept coming to mind.  I decided to recreate one of those board using ribbon and brads and used my nesties to cut out 7 reasons why I love dh.  (For the 7 years we have been married)  I just slipped them into the slots which he can take out and place them with some other sentimental things we have later if he so chooses.  I also made this in a postcard style with no opening which I did not picture because I had written on the back already.  It was a lot of fun creating this and doing something out of the ordinary for an anniversary card.  In this picture, it looks like the ribbon sticks out in color, but really, it matches the color in the pattern of this dp.  The best part? There was NO stamping involved! LOL!! All the sentiments were created using my computer. 
Materials used:   Going Grey, VV, Basic Grey's Ambrosia, More mustard ribbon, brads, white gel pen, computer, piercing tool, sponge, going grey ink, more mustard ink, threading water punch, anchors

NOW!! I mentioned in my title I had a thought.  I am ready for another blog candy giveaway and thought it would be fun to use my love of music for this. However, I know there are a lot of people who do not enjoy visiting blogs which play music.  I wanted to give heads up to all that I will be putting on one song on my blog which will only play for 30 seconds and that song will be the main reason for the giveaway.  Let's play Name that Tune!!   I promise that it is NOT hard rock or anything.  Actually, this is something that was made in the 70's.  I will have more deets to follow on this.  If you feel that it is not a good idea and really don't like the thought of music, please leave me a comment and I will certainly weigh in the thoughts of all.  

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you all have a great weekend!!


  1. Wow! Long distance wedding planning :) Lovely card! (Even my DH who was just looking over my shoulder just now commented that it's a beautiful wedding card!! hee hee..)

    Your anniversary card is very interesting!! :)) Happy Anniversary!!

  2. The wedding invites are gorgeous and perfect Deb. The part all whited out though probably will be a little hard to read though. bawhahaha... I like the anniversary card too, hope you had a fun day! :0) Play that tune huh..... hhhmmm..... hugs

  3. Hi Deb,
    I'm new to your blog.Your blog is terrific! I saw the story about you over at Joy in a Jar.I got excited when I saw you were in NC. I'm in NC too, in Durham. I just wondered where in NC you are? I also like to stamp and bead!
    As for the music idea, I love "Name that Tune"! Just about anything music, I love.We are a marching band family. Our daughter is a senior this year and the colorguard captain at her school.Our son is a music/french horn major at UNC. My husband and I both sing in the choir and play handbells at our church.So music is very important in our family. My email is I don't have a blog. I'm hopelessly computer illiterate!
    Thanks for the great blog.Hope to hear from you.
    Janet Swofford

  4. Hey cutie pie - love those invites -- they are so elegant. But I don't remember that white out on them - hahahaha!

    The anniv. card is really fun - what a great idea!

    And Name That Tune -- hey, that is right up my alley!

  5. I know I have thanked you a hundred times, and I am sure I will thank you a hundred times more...but really, Deb - what would I do without you?? The invitations are absolutely beautiful....Planning has been so much fun - and the laughs we have had along the way!!! I can't wait to share the special day with you...I love you!!


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