
Friday, October 17, 2008

Lots to catch up on!

Hello everyone!!  I am sorry for the long silence... I had more family visiting along with helping my son get better from his fractured foot.  He is better now with no cast or wheelchair, but I still catch him from time to time limping around, as he plays hard with his friends and LOVES to run.  Thank you for all your kind words and support!  My company has left so I can now catch up on a few things I was unable to complete!  First off...

For this card, I had this sentiment sitting on my desk for a while and thought it would go great with Carolyn King's set of Whimsical Autumn.  I used the pumpkin from the set and created an easel card.  The top part (the dp) flips up for a fun twist on the card. To create the easel, I used my SU! WW punch and glued them onto the card.  I then colored in the main image with Copics and added some ribbon.  Easy!  I would have added more bling to the card, but I was limited with what I was able to take out of my stamping room since I had guests.  It's so hard to decide what exactly you need ahead of time.  At least for me it is because I have a tendency to change something along the way that is different to the picture in my mind.

Materials Used: K&CO autumn mat pack, Chocolate Chip, Pumpkin Pie, Palette Burnt Umber, Copics, WW Punch, ribbon, Carolyn King-Whimsical Autumn.

First off, I would like to thank all of those who purchased the Alzheimer's Support bracelet last month! With your help and my match to the donation, I was able to donate $100.00 to the association. THANK YOU!!!   
As you all know, October is Breast Cancer awareness month.  I have a created another bracelet to show your support to this important cause and will be donating $5.00 of every sale to the American Cancer Society.  (Picture and purchase on the right side of the page) This cause is near and dear to my heart as my father passed away from Cancer and I always try to do my part in helping raise awareness and money to fight this disease.  This bracelet is made with sterling silver, handmade glass beads, and Swarovski Crystals.  I know times right now can be tough for some, so I thank you in advance for any support you are able to give!

It seems like everyone is up to playing a little fun game of naming that tune for some blog candy!! I will have that up by Monday of next week!  Stay tuned!!

As always, thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. Great card Deb. Glad you had time with the family and that DS is feeling better. That is awesome about the braclets too!

  2. I love Name That Tune!

    So glad to hear that Tyler is improving daily! Your new bracelet is beautiful -- that is so awesome about the donation you were able to give!

  3. Awesome card girl! Glad things are settling down and that Tyler is up and about again!

    Fabulous news about your donation--thank you---and here you go again--you are amazing!



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