
Monday, June 23, 2008

Let's Reminisce...

Hi all!! I am getting ready to head out tomorrow very early for our vacation to Cape Cod.  I will be back in a week, but plan to post while I am away.  I am trying to pack a few things to stamp, but is hard to do when you don't know what you would make!  

 In the meantime, how about we take a little trip down memory lane... 4th of July memory lane to be exact!  I have some goodies to give away and all you have to do is leave me a comment of your fondest memory of 4th of July. Spread the news and have the person who stopped by leave their comment and mention your name at the end of it.  You will get an extra entry!  My dh will pick a random winner on Friday and I will mail you your goodies from the Cape!! (Yes, I am packing it in my suitcase!)

So, what's in the pail you ask??  Here is what you get:

~ A cute little pail that is a candle holder
~ A kitchen towel with fireworks
~ Some Studio G Stamps for 4th of July
~ 3 Yds of this darling ribbon
~ Rhinstones
~ A patriotic bag with some star brads, clear dew drops and some americana wood embellishments.

Thanks for looking and I look forward to seeing what you all have to say about this fun holiday!! Have a great week!


  1. Oh! Well, my family has been having a 4th of July parade down my parents' street for over 30 years. The kids decorate their bikes with streamers and balloons. Some years we'd roller skate. Or twirl batons. Some years we had bags of candy to throw to the people who came outside to see us marching down the middle of the street with a boom box blaring out patriotic tunes from the red "band wagon" which was also festooned for the day.

    At the end of the parade route, we'd be in my front yard. My dad would give a very brief mention about the importance of the day, we'd say the pledge of alligience...and the POPCICLES! for all.

    I still go home to this very day for the parade. My sisters who can not make it back have started their own family parades. Any child on the parade route is always encouraged to jump into the line...and enjoys the treats at the end too.

    I LOVE the 4th of July!

  2. Oh! Well, my family has been having a 4th of July parade down my parents' street for over 30 years. The kids decorate their bikes with streamers and balloons. Some years we'd roller skate. Or twirl batons. Some years we had bags of candy to throw to the people who came outside to see us marching down the middle of the street with a boom box blaring out patriotic tunes from the red "band wagon" which was also festooned for the day.

    At the end of the parade route, we'd be in my front yard. My dad would give a very brief mention about the importance of the day, we'd say the pledge of alligience...and the POPCICLES! for all.

    I still go home to this very day for the parade. My sisters who can not make it back have started their own family parades. Any child on the parade route is always encouraged to jump into the line...and enjoys the treats at the end too.

    I LOVE the 4th of July!

  3. My favorite has to be going to Taste of Chicago and listening to the 1812 Overture! When they set off the loud cannons and feeling the vibration of the boom, your chest and the the awesome's just FANTASTIC.
    I was told about your blog from Dawn from Amusing Musing & Things.

  4. You're up in my neck of the woods! hope you're having good weather - we've had rain every day so far and we're near Boston so I'm thinking your weather is the same.... :(

    My favorite 4th of July memory is as a child of 5 - walking down to Rte 1 (main highway now) sitting on the sidewalk of the overpass and watching the fireworks that they shot off right over the highway!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog - I'll be checking yours out now too!

  5. My b-day is on the 1st so I love the 4th of July, it always feels like the fireworks are for me! My family plans on BBQ at my sister's house and then doing fireworks in front of her house. We did it last year and it was a lot of fun!

  6. Oh, this is fabulous! LOVE IT!
    Have a GREAT vacation!
    I love to watch fireworks on the 4th.

  7. jenmarie - just above - sent me here. My fav memory is driving home from camping on the 4th; we'd see the fireworks from all the towns on our way home. Very fun!

  8. My favorite thing about the 4th of July is watching fireworks and eating ice cream.

    JenMarie sent me.

  9. I remember walking in parades every year with my cousins. I was in elementary school. We wore t-shirts and carried flags & banners for my second cousin who was running for some office.... again. LOL! I don't even know what he did, much less know anything about politics. But I loved the parade!

    JenMarie sent me to your site! Nice blog candy!

  10. My fav. 4th of July memory is always getting together as a family having a big ole BBQ and watching fireworks. We are usually celebrating my sisters birthday too since it is on the 2nd.

    JenMarie sent me!!!

  11. My favorite July 4th memories involved going to the country club for the fireworks show. It seemed like it was always realy hot and they gave away fudgesicles to the kids. We would bring our sparklers and wait for dark to light those up. Fun times! Oh, Miss Boo said to say she sent me!

  12. My favorite memory would have to be going to watch fireworks with the family. We lived in Florida and we would go to one of the country clubs that sat on a lake (they would let the peons in one day a year ;-) ) The fireworks were so great!

    And JenMarie let me know about your blog and sent me please give her an extra entry!

  13. My favorite memory is of the family reunions we always had on the 4th! We had tables full of wonderful food and lots of visiting and laughing. After lunch, we'd have a huge softball game where you could not strike out. Kids (or adults) could swing and swing and swing until they got a hit. Those who were able played while those who weren't able watched, chatted and cheered. We'd play softball and volleyball until we couldn't play anymore and then come back for more food. Once it got dark, my cousins set off fireworks. Then, we all went home, tired but very happy.

    JenMarie sent me, too!

  14. My fondest 4th of July memory is when I was younger my parents always held the family 4th of July Picnic and I always loved after the picnic sitting outside and watching the local fireworks. We had the best seats and didn't have to go anywhere.

    kim3timemom@yahoo dot com

  15. I LOVE your blog candy! I love Patriotic things and red, white and blue! When I was a kid we used to get together with relatives and make ice cream, eat hot dogs and watermelon and use Sparklers. We also used to use caps for cap guns to make noise. Not fancy... but great memories!


  16. I remember the first year we got married, we had a picnic at our little tiny house. We grilled out for family. I was sick as a dog, but still wore my red, white and blue sponge painted gym shoes.

  17. Miss Boo sent me! My favorite memory of the 4th is actually a grown-up memory. My first husband and I (that tells you something) one year went to 10 firework displays during the month of July!!!! All the towns in the area had fairs and each one had fireworks, so we hit them all during the course of the month! Ahh, youth!

  18. I think my best memory of the Fourth is when I was really little.

    My mom always had a huge dinner that day and all the "aunts" came. Momma was one of 6 kids and one of about 43 grandkids, so all of her cousins were "aunts" too!

    I woke up and smelled the most wonderful aromas...her homemade BBQ sauce smothering everything on the pit, the sweetness of her sour cream and coconut creme cakes, and I could hear the churns going for homemade vanilla, peach and strawberry ice creams.

    I guess it was because I was so young...and life was simple. Those are still my "comfort" smells.

  19. When I was about 6 or 7, I lived in Northern Arizona. Every July 4th we would have an Indian Pow Wow. The Navajo and Hopi Indians would have all sorts of booths and shows and food -- there was a big parade and different Indian tribes from all over the southwest came. There was also a carnival with rides that make your tummy feel yucky - but as a kid they were awesome!

    One night, my family went to the Hopi dance, and my sister and I were asked to come up and dance with them. We got to wear giant Indian headresses and were made honorary members of the Hopi tribe. I will never forget that!

    The Pow Wow was stopped many many years ago, and I always missed it, as long as I lived there.

  20. Oh great, I missed yet another giveaway.


I love hearing from you...Thank you for taking the time to leave your kind comments!