
Saturday, May 10, 2008

A basket full of thoughts that rock and blast off!

Ok, so the title is a little kooky but the cards aren't! Well, at least I don't think so...

These first two cards I have made is for a group of us whom, on a weekly basis, pick a thread from the Need a Lift forum on SCS to send a card to, and create a challenge for us to do. This first card is going to a little girl named Leanna. Leanna was diagnosed with Leukemia and happen to develop a septic infection that spread to her lungs, heart, and brain. This infection caused her to fall into a coma for a while.  She has since woken up from that coma, but has a long road to recovery.  Our challenge was to create a card using a stamp with a girl-any girl and to follow a sketch that was posted.  My fault was that I forgot to follow the sketch! I wanted to get this card done because I was behind that I just started creating without looking at my directions.  Well, I hope she likes it an
yway!! I chose a Stamping Bella image I received from my fellow group member Shelly, (Papermoon04) called Rockabella.  I colored her in with Copics and added some Stickles to the guitar for some sparkle... every girl needs some sparkle.  I created the sentiment using a mini alphabet set which I believe I picked up in the Target $ Spot... not bad for a buck...
Materials Used:
Stamp: Rockab
ella-Stamping Bella, $ alphabet stamps
Paper: Pretty in Pink, Chocolate Chip, White, Unknown DP, Certainly Celery
Ink: Copic
s, Close to Cocoa, Regal Rose, White gel pen
Accessories: Corner punch, Oval punch, Pink Posies, Sheer Ribbon, diamensionals, glue dots

This card was made for someone who is battling Ovarian Cancer.  She and her husband has been told the worst of not having many days left and to get her affairs in order.  It is heartbreaking to hear as she not only has a husband, but a son.  Please keep her and her family in your prayers and thoughts as I am sure they could use all of it. 
For this challenge, we were to cut into some paper we just haven't used or use a stamp/set that hasn't been inked. I used some paper I have had and hadn't cut into.  I wanted to create a happy card for Lynn with lots of flowers.  For this, I used a basket stamp from River City Rubber Works, popped it up and popped up all the paper posies and leaves for a full basket effect.  The leaves are from Papertrey Ink's Out on a Limb set. I created the background by sponging the bottom with Certainly Celery and Mellow Moss.  I then used a Post it note, tearing the top and sponging River Rock to create the "hill." I added some Wheat by Inkadinkado. I finished it off by sponging a little Bashful Blue at the top for the sky and added Liquid Pearls to the center of each flower. 

Materials Used:
Stamps: River City R
ubber Works-Basket, Papertrey Ink-Out on a Limb, Sincere Salutations, Inkadinkado 
Paper: Pretty In Pink, My Minds Eye dp, Old Olive, Very Vanilla
Ink: Creamy Caramel, Certainly Celery, Mellow Moss, River Rock, White gel pen
Accessories: Corner rounder, Post it note, sponge, brad, diamensionals, Liquid Pearls

The final card I would like to share is one not for 
someone needing a lift, but for Sharon's (Notimetostamp) weekend challenge. Her challenge this weekend is to use stitching, faux or real.  Being the NON-seamstress that I am, I opted for using faux. I received the new set by The Cats Pajamas called A Mod Mod World this past weekend along with Polar Holiday.  They both are so much fun!! Big thanks and hug to Alma!! I actually created this card using both sets- the main image of the rocket from A Mod Mod World and the "steam" from Polar Holiday.  I stamped the main image with Palette Noir and colored it in Prismamarkers. I then covered it in Versamarker, clear embossed it, cut it out and popped it up.  I then created the stars with another stamp from Mod World using Brillance Moonlight White and added some silver glitter gel pen to some of it for sparkle. The steam was stamped and then pierced and a white gel pen used for the "thread." The dp is unknown but given to me by my friend Carolyn (Cammie). The retro-ness of it and the numbers just made it fit together. The sentiment is computer generated, punched out using an oval punch, and popped up.  Added some ribbon and I was done. The colors are cheery and just looks all around fun!  Thanks for taking a peek at all my latest creations...
Materials Used:
Stamps: The Cats Pajamas-A Mod Mod World, Polar Holiday
Ink: Prismamarkers, White gel pen, silver gel pen, Brillance Moonlight White, Palette Noir
Paper: Unknown Brownish Cream, Unknown Dp, Basic Black
Accessories: Piercing tool, Diamensionals, Oval punch, Clear ep

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME card deb---love that space ship---gonna use that to make a card this week too...just love that stamp!

    All your creations are wonderful...and I love your challenge on the need a lift forum. you guys rock!

    SEE ya later!


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